Kabbolas Ha Torah was a singular event in the Jewish history that is still uniquely important for us on so many levels. Even before the Yidden received the Torah, when Moshe Rabbeinu spoke to them about serving Hashem, they responded with unequivocal acceptance, “All that Hashem has spoken, we will do and we will listen!” This is the famous declaration “ naaseh v’nishmah ” that became a symbol of our devotion to Hashem. The Rebbe revealed in Torah 22 – one of the most beautiful lessons in the whole “Likutei Moharan” - that these two words “ naaseh v’nishmah ” actually contain a model for true Jewish living. The “ naaseh ” stands for all that we already capable of doing in our avodas Hashem , while the “ nishmah ” represents the next level that we’d like to reach. This means that, as servants of Hashem and true followers of the Rebbe, we should never be complacent, considering our current madregah as being “good enough” already, so we can relax and stop earning for more. We sho...